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The Battery Conference 2018(TBC 2018)


  • Event name The Battery Conference 2018(TBC 2018)
  • Date October 11(Thu) - 12(Fri), 2018
  • Venue / Scale Coex Conference Room 401
  • Organizer Korea Battery Industry Association
  • Host Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
  • Sponsor LG Chem, Samsung SDI, SK Innovation, L&F, EcoPro BM, POSCO Chemtech, POSCO ESM
  • Key Participants Those related to the battery industry from industry, academia, research, and government
  • Official language Korean and English (simultaneous interpretation provided)


Composition and Details

(Program) 18 presentation topics and a total of 8 sections, including 6 sections for each major application field and a special keynote section

  • The program consists of a total of 6 sections: Special Keynote (2), Raw Materials Market (2), Efficiency Improvement (3), Next-Generation Battery (3), ESS (2), Battery Recycling/Reuse (3), and Electric Vehicle (3).
  • Inviting 18 Korean and international experts in each field (7 Koreans (39%), 11 foreigners (61%)) as speakers and 4 moderators

(Format) 30 minutes per speaker (including Q&A)


Time 10/11(Thu) Day 1 10/12(Fri) Day 2
Subtopic Raw/Subsidiary Materials ESS
10:30 Overall Raw/Subsidiary Materials Market
(Cairn ERA)
Current Status of Domestic ESS Market
(LG Chem)
11:00 Trends in Domestic and International Materials Market
Trends in UK ESS Market
(England Energy)
11:30 Keynote 1: Battery Market
(Samsung SDI)
Keynote 2: China ESS Market
12:00 Lunch
Subtopic Efficiency Improvement B2U(Battery Second Use)
14:00 Digitalization of Battery Manufacturing
Battery Recycling
(Shmuel De-Ieon)
14:30 Battery (EV) Manufacturing Cost Reduction
Recycling of Medium and Large Batteries
15:00 Improvement of Battery Capacity Using Pure Anode Materials
(Leyen Jar Tech)
Waste Battery Resource Recovery Technology
(Sungeel Hightech)
15:30 Break for Networking
Subtopic Next-generation Battery Electric Vehicle
16:00 Redox Flow Battery
(Standard Energy)
Electric Vehicle Battery Challenge
(Mercedes-Benz Daimler)
16:30 Seawater Battery
Trends in Electric Vehicle Market
(KPMG Korea)
17:00 Flexible Battery
Ian Pringle
UK Electric Vehicle Policy and Future Market Outlook
(The AIO)
17:30 End

Event Results

Participant Analysis

(Attendee) A total of 447 people attended for 2 days from industry, academia, research, media, and relevant organizations

(Percentage of foreigners) Of the total 447 attendees, Koreans and foreigners account for 405 (91%) and 42 (9%), respectively

Conference Photos